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    7月 2024
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To you who speak English

トップページ » To you who speak English


This time we are writing this in English.

We’ve been back to Japan for 2 years and we haven’t got any chance to talk to anyone who can speak English here in Shunan.  Our English is getting worse…

So that’s our excuse. 

Please read this with big heart & kindness.

We used to live and work in London,U.K. (Worked same shop…typical workplace marriage )

A Japanese hairdressing salon we worked was very busy and becoming popular at that time.

80% customers were not Japanese speaker, fortunately (good for learning English)

Haircut(of course),hair color(tint, high light…),hair perm(air wave,digital perm),straight perm,hair-up…etc… We were doing.
Indian lady who’s got very curly and thick hair wanted to have straight with just blow dry😑

French girl needed volume on top. But was very fine and thin…without any styling form😑

A guy came from Kazakhstan wanted very short hair cut without using clippers😆

But everything was marvelous experience to us

Why we came back to Japan…?
Simply, we’ve got a baby. A flat we used to live was too small for us(but was good location).  We had to move somewhere in the suburbs.
Then we thought…… 

living outside of London is still expensive (size and more rooms) and it costs more and take more time to get to workplace (London).

Parents in Japan are getting old(has to take over their business).  We are getting old too.  London is becoming (feeling) too busy to us…
Time to change the life??
Finally, we decided to come back….was in Apr 2014.

,,,,Time flies,,,,,(be honest, I still miss London)
Since then we are living in Toishi, Shunan and running “King A Bonds” as a hairdressing salon.
Life is always hard….
One of our dreams is…

One day, going to U.K.  Stay bit longer and say hello to friends there twice a year, at least!!

Please come and ask about hair and haircut anytime ✌
Thank you for reading…

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